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Melokid – Unleashing Music’s True Potential Worldwide


Melokid – Unleashing Music’s True Potential Worldwide

In 2017, a small audio engineering label emerged in Brussels, Belgium. By evolving robustly and expanding its services, it now encompasses a global distribution platform known as Melokid. Started by BCS Entertainment, Melokid has realized a dream of making music distribution accessible to artists across the globe.

Developed by artists themselves, Melokid caters specifically to independent musicians. Leveraging innovative technology, this platform ensures artists have the tools to thrive and create success in the competitive world of music. From distribution and promotion to management and various other label offerings, Melokid offers comprehensive support to artists on their creative journeys. Its strategic headquarters in Brussels, Belgium, combined with regional offices in both Laeken and Zaventem, underscore its commitment to personalized support for musicians worldwide.

Melokid represents a refreshing paradigm, moving beyond the traditional distribution model. It sets itself apart as a creative catalyst for artists under its distribution, helping them connect with new audiences on a global scale. In essence, the platform empowers artists, offering them the support they need to explore their fullest potential, surpass boundaries, and reach audiences worldwide.

At Melokid, unwavering human support combined with MelExplode promotional plans allows artists the freedom to express their creative brilliance to untapped audiences. A vast network ensures resonance across platforms such as Spotify, Apple Music, TikTok, Amazon Music, Instagram, Tidal, Deezer, and many more.

Melokid is committed to efficiency, presenting a user-friendly platform for music distribution. Musicians have the luxury of fast release delivery and a supportive team that guarantees a human reply within 24 hours. Their music is dispatched straight to platforms like Spotify, Apple Music, Amazon Music, Deezer, YouTube Music, TikTok & Instagram, Tidal, and many other platforms.

Alongside distribution, Melokid is currently taking strides in the fields of music promotion, recordings and production, mix and mastering services, and a music blog. The services they offer are vast and ever-expanding, positioning them as a key competitor to sites like Distrokid, Tunecore, CD Baby, Ditto, and iMusician.

Melokid prioritizes artist rights, promising 100% ownership and creative control for the artists. Its competitive pricing, starting at 19.99€ /year for unlimited releases, is an appealing proposition coupled with features not offered by other distributors.

Moreover, Melokid looks beyond simply releasing music. It offers promotional services such as playlist pitching, social media ads campaigns, and live shows presentations. Thus, it functions not merely as a distributor but as a force for growth and success in the music industry.

Melokid’s success lies in its dedication to diversity and authenticity. It fosters a diverse community of talented musicians across various genres and styles. Through its services, music from Melokid artists reaches every corner of the globe via major streaming platforms, radio stations, and online stores.

Through Melokid, the contemporary music industry witnesses an innovative approach to music distribution. This platform facilitates services with empathy towards artists, offering swift distribution, prompt issue resolution, complete music ownership, and access to powerful promotional tools, providing opportunistic avenues for artists, particularly those aspiring for a record deal with major labels. Truly, Melokid is a game-changer in the world of music distribution.

Get connect with Melokid on instagram, here.

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