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Hailey Kilgore | an Artist Advocating for Self Love and Self Discovery


Hailey Kilgore | an Artist Advocating for Self Love and Self Discovery

This is a quote that Hailey Kilgore firmly stands by. Being an advocate for self-love and self-discovery, Hailey says it is of utmost importance that people need to learn that change begins with us. How we communicate with others plays a huge role in who we become.

“You’ve got to be right with yourself before you can be right with anybody else.”
August Wilson

She was adopted into a Transracial family where she was taught everything she knows now. And despite the odds, she persevered through her family’s strong work ethic and motivation to achieve her goals.

From a very young age, Hailey Kilgore was already in the spotlight. Starting from beauty pageants in Texas, she was already made for the entertainment industry when she was cast in her first big break Broadway show, “Once on This Island.”

Before this, she was already enrolled at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York. Her education was put on hold but did not come without rewards, as she was nominated for her role at the 2018 Tony Awards. Thus began her climb to stardom, landing a role in the prequel, Power Book III: Raising Kanan.

However, even before this big break, she was already filling prominent roles in multiple Broadway shows like the 2015 Portland Center Stage production of Our Town and Ain’t Misbehavin.’

For her, all the years of practice and experience have taught her to be just honest. To be honest with her work, her personal life, her ambitions, and more. Although, by profession, she has to put on a ton of masks and capture her characters’ personalities, she finds that the takeaway from this is never to stop being authentic despite the differences in roles.

The concept of ‘New Hollywood,” referring to Broadway, is a new concept that is just materializing in recent years. From considering the typical Hollywood movies as the only proper way of storytelling to adopting this new style away from the mainstream is a huge change but a step in the right direction.

According to Hailey Kilgore, this new turn is exciting because it means that more people are slowly getting accustomed to a novel form of storytelling, which encompasses the world of conventional media.

Kilgore’s connection to the characters she plays when doing these plays says a lot about her talent and success as an artist. Not just that, she pours herself into the role so much that there is an even deeper connection with her costars than just on-screen relationships.

Having to be in the spotlight so often, Kilgore says it is essential for her always to get some mental rest, as evident from her spiritual journey. What adds to this is her newly acquired townhouse and music studio, which act as meditation spaces for her to unwind and relax.

Hailey Kilgore is a spiritual person, counting her music bible as her most prized possession. She’s an ardent writer and finds therapeutic relief in writing down her emotions, feeling, and thoughts, so you’ll never catch her without her music bible that helps her on this spiritual journey toward finding herself.

Seeing how multi-talented she is, it is no surprise that Hailey Kilgore is all set to release a new album. She draws inspiration from the likes of Viola Davis and Alicia keys, from whom she finds herself resonating with their journey.

As a representative of generation Z, she finds it her responsibility to debunk common misconceptions that the generation has lost its ability to care honestly. Because for her, this new generation is all about diving deeper and finding meaning in things that were not seemingly meaningless at some point. And that comes from caring.

There’s nothing more rewarding than celebrating our uniqueness and each other, which all boils down to being kind and showing kindness when we can.

Check out her social media here.

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