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Faith Tribe’s New Phygital Commerce Platform – Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry


Faith Tribe’s New Phygital Commerce Platform – Revolutionizing the Fashion Industry

Faith Tribe, a trailblazing presence in the fashion tech space, recently revealed plans to expand their innovative phygital commerce platform. The London-based startup announces several groundbreaking collaborations aiming to bring together the myriad digital and physical worlds of fashion under one expansive umbrella.

The platform’s development has been spearheaded by the dynamic duo of Andrea Abrams, formerly Chief of Strategy, and Phil Bagnall, Head of Commerce and Product Development. Bagnall’s fresh focus aims to aid creators in widening their brand DNA and community engagement. He underscores the importance of collaborations with stalwarts creating outstanding physical products and marrying them with enriching digital experiences. As 2024 commences, Faith Tribe’s strategy leans towards an enhanced product offering and spotlighting the success stories of their members.

Wahid Chammas, Faith Tribe’s co-founder and Chairman, highlighted the influential role Abrams had in the company’s trajectory. With her wealth of industry experience and extensive market knowledge, Abrams put Faith Tribe on an even playing field to compete in Web3 tools, thus redefining the conventional business blueprint in fashion and entertainment domains.

Faith Tribe made strategic alliances and partnerships last year to lay the groundwork for an interactive member subscription program. This encompasses an extensive range of activities including fashion production, commerce, and member engagement. Their partnerships with Threedium, Solaire, and IDX are testament to their commitment to generate amplified digital curations.

In progressing their phygital goals, Faith Tribe’s next chapter heavily involves leveraging spatial web tools to the fullest extent. The launch of troves of tools for independent designers is expected to be a game-changer for the industry. This will allow creators to tap into unprecedented benefits such as digital sampling, AR filters and customised on-demand production.

Alongside streetwear maven, Winston Bartholomew of House of Barth fame, and award-winning architect Nayibe Warchausky, Faith Tribe has endeavoured to curate a sweeping array of phygital projects. Complementing this is their commitment to advocating transparency and fairness via blockchain technology. Their ethos of inclusivity is deeply ingrained in their mission to broaden access for all fashion creators.

In 2024, Faith Tribe is set to transition into a year encapsulating brand experimentation and wider adoption, guided by an experienced advisory board that includes Ben Demiri, Co-chair of PlatformE, and Michael Ferraro, Executive Director of FIT DTech Lab.

With the completion of their first phase of platform development, Faith Tribe is trailblazing the path forward for creating a more sustainable, accessible and interactive environment for fashion creators worldwide.

For additional information about Faith Tribe and its revolutionizing initiatives, please visit

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