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Breast Feeding Meets Innovation With The Haakaa Breast Pump Series


Breast Feeding Meets Innovation With The Haakaa Breast Pump Series

Haakaa is a company that manufactures baby products and is based in New Zealand. Ever since its inception, Haakaa has been on the map as one of the best baby product manufacturers because they use only eco-friendly and toxin-free materials to manufacture all their products.

Haakaa products are known for being safe, functional, and tasteful to look at as well. They haven’t compromised safety for aesthetics or swapped functionality for security. Once you go through their product range, you’ll find that they have some of the most helpful baby products at very cheap rates and are environmentally friendly.

Haakaa silicone breast pump

One of the most popular products from the Haakaa company is their silicone breast pump. It looks very soft, made of 100% medically approved food-grade silicone. It is also compact and portable, so it’s easy to carry anywhere.

Plus, the fact that it’s a manual breast pump means that you don’t need to take any long and loose cords or heavy batteries or look for a power outlet whenever you have to pump your milk. It’s also super discreet because there’s no noise, unlike electrical breast pumps.

How to use the Haakaa silicone breast pump?

This breast pump is perfect for all mothers, regardless of whether you are a new nursing mother or a pro at breastfeeding. This piece of equipment is simple and easy to use, and it doesn’t require any professional knowledge, nor does it contain a learning curve.

Hakka also sends a manual for how to operate the device on their manual. Here are the steps you need to follow:

Step 1

The first step is sterilizing the product before use, which is standard practice for all kinds of silicon-made products. The best-recommended way of sterilizing the breast pump is to broil it in water for about 2 to 3 minutes.

Step 2

The device comes with two main components- the top art, the flange (cone shape top), and the bottom part, which consists of the cup to hold the milk. The flange is the part that you need to attach to your breast where it will suction the milk.

Place the flange and ensure that your nipple is nuzzled comfortably in the milled cone.

Step 3

Once you are comfortable with how the breast pump feels on your breast, start by slowly squeezing the cup part of the breast pump, and this will form a good suction on your breast and cause the milk to start flowing.

Step 4

If you have appropriately suctioned the nipple to the device, the breastmilk will start to flow naturally. You can leave the suction there and wait for it to fill with milk.

Step 5

The Haakaa breast pumps come with a suction base, so you can easily place them on a surface once the cup is full. They also have a newer version with a flower cap, so you can use this to cover the cup when it’s complete.

Step 6

You can transfer the milk to a safe container such as a glass bottle or any other storage container where you usually keep the milk.

Check out Haakaa products in the links below:

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