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Introducing MYPD – Unearthing the Essence of Techno Euphoria


Introducing MYPD – Unearthing the Essence of Techno Euphoria

With an injected rhythm and undulating vibe that captures the heart and soul of techno, Yves-Michel and Dave Parker of MYPD are already setting the bar high in the electronic music realm. Their upcoming release, slated for September 29th, 2023 on the revered Sick’N’Raw label, is eagerly anticipated by techno connoisseurs worldwide.

A tour featuring electrifying live performances at Douala Ravensburg, Old Villa Memmingen, and Posthalle Würzburg among others, promises to dial up the excitement. The duo is ready to enthrall fans with their full-throttle energy, capturing both raw power and intricate melodies that make up the essence of their sound. Catch them live at Parktheater on October 20th celebrating Sick’N’Raw’s 9th year in the business, or feel the beat in clubs from Ravensburg to Berlin.

26.08. Douala Ravensburg
01.09. Old Villa Memmingen
16.09. Douala Ravensburg 7 years Monkeycircus
29.09. Posthalle Würzburg
13.10. Weißer Hase Berlin
20.10. Parktheater 9 years SNR

The objective for Yves and Dave is simple: to take the MYPD project to the zenith of musical accomplishment with passion and a unified energy that’s hard to match. And judging by their previous work, there’s no doubt about their ability to achieve this goal.

Their collaborative wishlist includes artists like DJ Heartstring and Marlon Hoffstadt, whose inventive sonic landscapes resonate with their own. Although the duo is working on undisclosed collaborations, the feeling of anticipation only adds to the excitement around their music.

Songwriting for MYPD is about capturing the brilliance of favored songs and transforming them into something uniquely their own. Their creative process thrives on the transformative power of music which results in a signature sound: hypnotic, groovy, and vibrating with a life-imbibing danceability. A perfect blend of techno, trance, and Eurodance, their music appeals to seasoned enthusiasts and mainstream listeners alike.

The project MYPD materialized through the combined vision of Dave Parker and Yves-Michel, two musicians each with a compelling backstory. Born and raised in Ravensburg, Dave’s music journey took a leap forward with his debut set on SoundCloud in 2015, coined with a unique blend of driving rhythm, melody, and groove. The MonkeyCircus group, an influential piece of Ravensburg techno history, was another critical component of his burgeoning career.

On the other hand, Yves-Michel, the heart of Sick’n Raw hailing from Dresden, was immersed in rhythm even in his early years as a passionate drummer. A renowned name in the south-German techno scene, he leveraged his love for the beat to curate remarkable techno events from regional clubs in Ravensburg to the cityscape of Munich, all while settling in the scenic town of Unterthingau.

Their project MYPD can be followed on Instagram and SoundCloud, while individual music portfolios can be explored on Spotify (Dave Parker, Yves-Michel). Heavily inspired by titans of the electronic music scene like Tiesto, Armin van Buuren, and techno savants like DJ Heartstring and Marlon Hoffstadt, MYPD’s continuous commitment to deliver enthralling music undoubtedly sets the stage on fire.

Currently, the duo is dedicated to producing groovy tracks that traverse the line between trance and Eurodance, further proving their versatility and innovative approach to music.

When asked about their music’s purpose, Yves and Dave had a resonating answer. They aspire to create moments through their music – moments of joy, thrill, or ecstasy that listeners can capture and relive whenever they wish. It’s all about creating an invisible thread of shared experience, akin to a familiar fragrance that transports you back to a distinct moment in time.

With MYPD, listeners are whisked away on a sonic journey, saturated in the pulsating heart of techno. It’s a unique, immersive experience that Dave and Yves skillfully deliver, time after time, beat after beat. Get ready to dive headfirst into the unfiltered energy of MYPD – a testament to the enduring allure of techno.

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