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Riding the Indie Music Wave with fluorite kids


Riding the Indie Music Wave with fluorite kids

One of the latest sensations infiltrating the saturated world of indie-pop is Fluorite Marco Barron, known by his artistic pseudonym, the soulful fluorite kids. Let’s delve into his world and ride on the wave of his singular music dreamscape.

Barron brings an innovative and daring level of creative freedom to the modern alternative pop scene. Not afraid to defy conventions, his original releases reverberate dynamically around his increasing fan base. He has distilled the raw essence of his eclectic musical vision into a signature style described as experimental, edging psychedelic, and sheer avant-garde bop distilled from gritty analog samples to meet a hypnotic med-tempo rhythm.

The fluorite kids’ brand resonates with a diverse blend of classic pop melodies, seamlessly integrated with bleeding lo-fi edge indie-pop arrangements. Describing his music to new initiates, Barron oozes enthusiasm. He talks about his music as a contemporary visual complex, a grand blueprint he is gradually etching out with his experimental and psychedelic tracks.

Musical collaboration has long been the crucible of creativity pushing the boundaries of the musical soundscape. When asked about a potential musical accomplice, Barron leans towards the unique styles of Martin Newell, Part Time, and Ariel Pink. Ariel particularly draws Barron’s admiration for his innate genius and fluency in musical creation.

The story behind the artist is far from dull. An unashamed lover of all things melodic, young Barron’s fascination earned him the moniker of a kaleidoscopic music enthusiast. Struck with an internal metronome from an early age, he found outlets for his burning musical passion by tapping out rhythmic counterpoint on any available surface.

Barron’s enduring passion led to a first studio recording of his single, Blonde Hair, which whisked him into the musical arena. This track presented a talented lo-fi alternative pop bedroom producer from northern California to the world, with his daring experimental edge and psychedelic vibe.

Every musician has a tale to narrate, and there’s no dearth in the case of Barron. His love affair with music began early when, at the tender age of two, he discovered a fascination for drums. Inspired by Tim Burton films and Danny Elfman’s compositions, Barron embarked on his music journey, recreating DVDs featuring his sound designs, striking a chord with various listeners. Managing to find a platform and passion in the field of Synthesis, his musical journey has been a roller-coaster ride to say the least.

A buzzing question on every fan’s mind is, “What’s up next?” Barron has just launched a new album, ‘It’s Spooky in California.’ Garnering rave reviews from listeners, the album is a creative tour de force, exploring varied sonic terrain and stylistic nuances. The album, released in July 2023, is already projected to emerge as a classic.

‘It’s Spooky in California,’ bustles with stunning compositions, exploring abstract, different, minimalistic sounds. The standout vibes of the opener ‘The Skeleton Bump,’ have listeners spinning the track repeatedly. The deliciously dream-like ‘Gardens made by love,’ abounds with nostalgia, enlivened by a mix of guitars, drums, and entrancing vocals. The album signs off on a jaunty note with “Who Cleans the Cave? – Lake Tahoe Mix,” striking a chord with its unforgettable eighties vibes boosted by a memorable new-age touch.

Notorious for hitting a sweet spot in the listener’s psyche, Barron’s songs are ripe to be featured in popular network television, or streaming giants like HBO, Netflix, or Hulu. Discover the unique world of fluorite kids on his Linktree, Instagram, Spotify, Apple Music, and Bandcamp.

Gear up to brace the musical fusion of avant-garde techniques and classic pop coming your way! The brave new world under the psychedelic canopy of fluorite kids awaits, full of mesmerizing music breaths that are likely to change the paradigm of indie pop. Stay tuned to the captivating beats, and ride the wave in the fluorite kids’ musical journey.

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