When starting as a young person in a specific career, you may feel like it is what you were born to do. This is usually common if you’ve dreamed about being in that career since childhood. It always feels like you are fulfilling your cause in life. However, you may come across something else that makes you happier and more fulfilled. And this is what happened to Molly Buster.
Molly Buster is a 30-year-old fitness trainer and health and wellness coach from Kansas. Buster has been in the industry for more than 7 years and has grown to love her career. Although it’s not what she had imagined she would be doing professionally, Buster admits that it has given more fulfillment and happiness than anything else she’s ever done.
What Did Molly Set Out To Be?
From when she was a young child, Buster says that she loved to be up and about. She loved doing things that helped her feel alive and fulfilled her heart’s desires. She grew up in a small rural community in Kansas, which allowed her to participate in many activities. She played volleyball, basketball, did summer weights, show choir, music theatre, dance team, and even a bit of cheerleading.
When she went to college in 2009, Buster decided to pursue her dream of being a professional dancer. However, she always thought she would become a personal trainer at the back of her mind after retiring from professional dancing. She did not wait for retirement to materialize her dream of becoming a professional trainer.
While still in college, Buster worked as a Front Office Assistant at a corporate gym. She took this as an opportunity to learn all she could learn about health and fitness. She learned as much as she could from the trainers and even earned herself a certificate. After graduating, Buster and her husband moved from Wichita, Kansas, to Los Angeles.
In LA, Buster landed a job with an athletic dance company she had been eyeing since college. However, Buster says that as a beginner in the industry, every dancer needs to have a side gig to help her pay the LA rent. She found a job at a gym and followed the advice of the in-house personal training manager to start her training career at 23 with Equinox.
Were Professional Dancing and Personal Training Compatible?
Buster says that she could balance her dance career and newfound love when she started studying to become a personal trainer. However, she realized that she was slowly losing her passion for professional dancing and being pulled more towards the gym with time. In her two years of training, Buster says she dreaded dance rehearsal and spent more time at the gym. In 2016, she left the dance company and became a full-time trainer.
According to Buster, the most fulfilling part about being a personal trainer is the one-on-one interaction with clients and feeling like she’s making a real impact in other people’s lives. She shares that losing her mom to a heart attack at 19 made her realize the importance of a healthy lifestyle. Every time she takes on a new client, she is eager to help them take control of their bodies and health.
Any Accomplishments So Far?
Since accepting her first gig as a personal trainer seven years ago, Buster’s love for the game has only grown and evolved. She has, however, spent hundreds of hours educating herself in the industry. However, this has not been in vain. Buster has worked with over 10,000 one-on-one clients, has become a teacher, a mentor within her club, trained a team of trainers as a fitness manager, and runs the training department as a personal training manager.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Buster saw it as a chance for self-reflection. She realized that her current professional position no longer aligned with her individual or health &Wellness professional goals. She had a great desire to operate within her value system instead of following corporate guidelines. It is this desire that saw the birth of Molly Buster Coaching in 2020.
Molly Buster Coaching is an online fitness program where Buster tries to reach as many individuals and help them with their health and wellness needs.
Any Challenges in Her Journey?
Buster admits that it is hard to get a breakthrough in the online business environment. She says that there are so many fitness training and health and wellness coaches online. Some are experienced gurus in the industry, and others are just starting. As a trainer, she has to rely on her style to bring her clients that love her way of doing things. Buster says that she has decided to stay to the course and her values to deal with this. She only hopes to work with people who feel her services are beneficial to them.
Take Away Lessons
In the 7 years that Molly Buster has worked in the fitness industry, she has learned one important lesson. There is no shame in admitting that you’re still learning. She says that many professional trainers miss out on opportunities because they are eager to show clients they know it all. Her advice is: Be willing to learn.
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